By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
19 March, 2014 16:00 2082

The Ministry of Defence Industry gave presents to families of Karabakh war marties, veterans and invalids

On 19 March at a meeting held in Shirvan city Executive Power building the families of the marties – the heroic sons of Azerbaijan who sacrificed their lives for preservation of independence and territorial integrity of their Motherland, veterans and invalids of Karabakh war have been congratulated on behalf of the Minister of Defence Industry Yavar Jamalov on the occasion of the Novruz Holiday.

During the meeting 125 families of marties and 110 veterans and invalids of the Karabakh war have been given presents.

Moreover, with the aim of strengthening the social security and on occasion of Novruz Holiday the personnel of the Ministry of Defence Industry and its affiliates received bonuses and presents.