By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
17 December, 2011 14:00 2205

Staff of the Ministry of Defense Industry marked their professional holiday

Today staff of the Ministry of Defense Industry widely marked the “professional holiday of employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry” of 17 December established by the Republic President Ilham Aliyev.

Staff that celebrates the third professional holiday firstly visited Alley of Honor paying tributes respectively to the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and laid a wreath in front of the Memorial. Memory of outstanding academician Zarifa Khanum Aliyeva, scientist-ophthalmologist has also been commemorated and bunches of flowers were put on the memorial grave. Graves of heroic sons of Azerbaijan fallen in the way of independence and territorial integrity of their motherland were paid a visit in Alley of Martyrs and a wreath was laid in front of  Memorial of  “Eternal Flame”. The Ministry’s staff also visited National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s memorial bust erected in the yard of “Radiogurashdırma” Plant where ceremonial event was held.

Then official part of the ceremonial event with regard to professional holiday began in assembly hall of the “Radiogurashdirma” Plant.

State Anthem of Azerbaijan was sounded.

Minister Yaver Jamalov who opened the ceremony informed that the Republic President Ilham Aliyev signed Orders on 15 December 2011 on awarding a group of employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry with honorary names of “Honored State Servant”, “Honored Engineer”, also “Progress” and “For the distinguishing in the State Service” medals.

Minister Yaver Jamalov made a wide briefing on the activity of the Ministry. He noted that since the Ministry of Defense Industry started its activity 40 new production areas were opened. 10 out of them were given into operation in 2011. Inaugurations of “AZAD Systems Co.” of the “Sharg” Production Union, “Sanayejihaz” Scientific Production Enterprise of the “Jihaz” Production Union, Baku “Jihazgayirma” Plant, Khachmaz “Capacitor” Plant of the “Mechano-Optical” Production Union after its fundamental reconstruction were held only in this year. President of the Republic, Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev personally participated in the inaugurations of 15 of them giving his blessings and valued recommendations.

Due to the works done volume of the defense products produced in 2011 was raised by more than 23.0 times compared to 2007. Number of themes fulfilled on the creation program was raised by more than 5, 5 times compared to 2007.

Works on joint manufacture of “Matador” and “Marauder” armored vehicles, “Aerostar” and “Orbiter-2M” UAV’s, production of modern NATO standard pistols, modernization to contemporary requirements of former Soviet armored carriers used in the Army are successfully realized today.

Ministry of Defense Industry closely cooperates in the sphere of aviation, navigation, tool making and other directions with companies and firms from more than 20 developed countries of the world.

Defense products developed and produced in the facilities of the Ministry of Defense Industry have been displayed and demonstrated since 2009 in the International Exhibitions. Ministry of Defense Industry who debuted as an Exhibitor for the first time in “IDEF-2009” held in Turkey joining with 27 defense products now displayed 97 of them in the “Gulf Defense and Aerospace” Exhibition held in Kuwait a few days ago. It was the seventh Exhibition; the Ministry of Defense Industry joins with products it produced. Before that the Ministry was represented in “IDEF-2009”, “SOFEX-2010”, “MSPO”, “AAD-2010”, “IDEX-2011” and “IDEF-2011” Exhibitions.

During the Exhibitions joined meetings were held with the delegation of numerous countries and agreements were achieved regarding mutual cooperation.

Products made in Azerbaijan and especially “Istiglal” Sniper rifle, “Zafar” and “Inam” pistols attracted particular attention of visitors in the Exhibitions the MDI participated until now.

Following the results of 2011 volume of defense products produced in the Ministry was raised by 2,5 times compared to the previous year, number of types reached to 650.

Long-range mortars, sniper rifle, hand grenade-launcher, various anti-tank mines, optical sights, training and combat aviation bombs, camouflaging nets, various ammunitions, caterpillars for armored vehicles and etc. could be specified amongst the adopted defense products.

Manufacturing of caterpillars for armored vehicles and various caliber mortar bodies with the latest casting processes was successfully tested and production has already started.

Nowadays worthy measures are taken to adopt the production of civil products together with the defense ones using at hand facilities existing in the enterprises of the Ministry. As a result production volume of civil products in 2011 was raised by more than 1, 8 times compared to 2007. And 14 percent growth was achieved compared to the previous year. Number of types reached the estimate 400.

Fountain fixtures, automated gas data-control systems in terminals, 9 types of medical equipment, 2 types of hunter guns, various furniture sets, remote control units for elevator maintenance, spare parts for ship maintenance, caterpillars for tractors, 1 and 2-layer beds, mobile food vacuum flasks, smart card using gas-meters, digital street lights, various power batteries, multi-layer PCB’s, decoders for TV broadcasting and etc. are among them.

Demonstration of the civil products of the Ministry also started since the previous year. 59 civil products were displayed in November 2010 in International Exhibition held in Uzbekistan. The Ministry was represented with the special stand in the National Exhibition devoted to 20-th anniversary of the State Independence. Broad information was given in the Exhibition on 400 civil and dual-use products produced in the facilities of the Ministry.

Minister noted that all counted successes are the results of complex measures carried out by the Republic President in the direction of reconstruction of industry infrastructure in the country.

The collective of the Ministry of Defense Industry who senses attention and care of the Head of State will mobilize all powers to develop defense industry of the country in order to provide our Army with new weapons, ammunition and other military means. All that will be under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev who persuades in his policy the ideas of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

During the ceremonial event a group of foremost employees of the Ministry have been introduced with the “Advanced defense industry employee” badges, Honorary Order, money and precious presents. Honorary Orders also were presented to the awarded collaborators by the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation.

Other speakers shared their joys of the celebration of “Professional holiday of employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry” in such a high level and noted that this Day founded by the corresponding Order of the President of the Republic Ilham Aliyev is really a high appreciation to the short activity of the Ministry of Defense Industry established for the rise of military might of Azerbaijan and reduction of foreign dependence in this sphere.

In the end an appeal on behalf of the ministry staff addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev was accepted.