By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
17 May, 2019 17:54 2973

Roman Golovchenko visited the stand of the Ministry of Defence Industry at “MILEX-2019”

On May 17, the Chairman of the State Military Industrial Committee of Belarus Roman Golovchenko visited the stand of the Ministry of Defence Industry at the 9th International Exhibition of Arms Military Machinery “MILEX-2019” in Minsk. The products caused great interest of the committee chairman, presented by the Ministry of Defence Industry.

During the visit, Roman Golovchenko met with the representatives of the Ministry of Defence Industry and expressed his satisfaction on participation of Azerbaijan with stand at “MILEX-2019”.

“MILEX-2019” will last on May 18.