By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
21 October, 2011 15:00 2009

Report election meeting of the Area First Party Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party was held in the Ministry of Defense Industry

Report election meeting of the Area First Party Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) was held in the Ministry of Defense Industry.

Meeting participants visited the bust of the founder of the New Azerbaijan Party, the Former Leader Heydar Aliyev put in the foyer of the Ministry and watched photo stand reflecting various periods of his activity.

Chief of the Yasamal district Regional Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party, Fikrat Ismayilov who took part in the meeting congratulated participants on the occasion of the 20-th anniversary of the restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan and talked about achievements gained in the Republic during the twenty years past. He stated that the New Azerbaijan Party founded in extremely hard and severe days of the Azerbaijan history, in the period when the country underwent serious trials - left big traces in the social-political life of our country which newly restored own independence. Founder of the Party, the Former Leader Heydar Aliyev with his far-sighted policy became the saviour of Azerbaijan when it faced the danger of loosing its independence for the second time. This genious person who fixed his place in people’s heart laid the foundation of all-round development of native Azerbaijan. This worthy policy is successfully pursued nowadays as well by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan is now recognized as a powerful state by the world countries.

It was stated in the speeches that one of the portentous events of the history of Azerbaijan was the creation of the Ministry of Defense Industry in the Republic and achievements gained in this sphere.

30 new production areas were opened in the subordinate facilities since the Ministry of Defense Industry started its activity. Here to mention are: areas for production of tens of weapons, ammunition and military technical means, besides “Casting shop”, “Battery production shop”, “Small arms reapir shop”, “Small arms utilization shop”, “Modernisation, overhauling and testing shops and areas for protected vehicles”, “Ammunition utilization shop”, “Repair and overhauling area for military and track-type protected vehicles” and etc.

In 2007-2011, 15 enterprises of the Ministry were opened and given into operation with the participation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Speakers who drew attention to the indicators related to the Ministry’s activity stated that production volume of defense products was raised by more than 10 times in 2010 compared to 2007.

In 2010 works realized to create defense products intended in State defense Program increased by 5,3 times compared to 2007.

Number of types of all products left behind the number of  600 in the current year whilst it estimated only 175 in 2006.

Since 2009 till now, the Ministry of Defense Industry participated in more than 10 International Exhibitions with products it developed and produced.

Then, Chief Area First Party Organization of the Ministry of Defense Industry Vagif Zeynalov’s report on the activity of the organization was listened and the report was considered comprehensive unanimously.

Board of the Area First Party Organization consisted of five persons,  representatives to the Conference of the Yasamal district Regional Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party were elected and a group of young collaborators of the Ministry were taken into ranks of the Party.