By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
31 October, 2014 16:00 2152

Mobile body meetings on outcomes of nine months of 2014 were held in the subordinate enterprises of the Ministry of Defence Industry

The results of production and financial & economic activity of the unions and enterprises of the Ministry and challenges standing ahead were widely discussed at the meetings held with the chairmanship of the Minister Yavar Jamalov. It was stated that works on creation of new production sites for design and manufacture of defence products in accordance with the related program have been in progress in the subordinate enterprises of the ministry.

The works scheduled for implementation in the current year were in progress and defence products produced on contracts with power structures of the Republic were handed over to the customers during the report period. Works on extending production of civil products were also continued.

The general volume of defence and special products produced at the Ministry’s facilities during 9 month amounted to 86% and of civil ones to 14 %. The range of defence products manufactured and handed over to the customers in the current year raised up 1.3 times. 

In compliance with the Production program for 2014, the works on implementation of R&D on 66 subjects and 169 stages are in progress. The R&D on 10 subjects on the government orders are being carried out at the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry. Three meetings of the related sections of the functioning in the ministry Research Council were held with discussions on different subjects of the working plan and some concrete motions have been accepted.

To meet the ministry’s challenges during the report period the military-technical cooperation with companies and organizations of the military-industrial complexes of the world leading countries is being in progress.

It was stated at the meeting, that products produced at the ministry’s facilities have been regularly demonstrated at the international exhibitions since 2009.

On 11-13 September of the current year, the 1-st Azerbaijan International Defence Industry Exhibition “ADEX-2014” was held at Baku Expo Center on the initiative and the organizational support of the Ministry of Defence Industry. 200 companies and 22 official delegations from 34 countries of the world – Turkey, USA, France, Poland, Israel, Belarus, Russia, South Africa etc. have joined the exhibition. 

Eight national groups from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, Belarus, Korea, Poland, Israel and Ukraine joined the event with their expositions. The latest achievements of the defence industry were exposed in the Azerbaijan national hall covering the area of 1000 sq.m.

The Ministry of Defence Industry of Azerbaijan joined the international exhibition for the first time in 2009 with 27 types of products, whereas at “ADEX-2014” it presented 168. Products exposed by the ministry aroused huge interest of the local and foreign delegations joining the exhibition.

Negotiations on different spheres of military-technical cooperation and discussions on realization of new projects were held within the frame of the exhibition.

Visit of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev and other government officials to “ADEX-2014” enhanced the importance of the exhibition.

High-level organization of the exhibition and demonstration of defence products produced at the facilities of the Ministry of Defence Industry shall serve to day-after-day strengthening of defence power of the country and make Azerbaijan Armed Forces one of the strongest armies in the region.

Reports of the directors of the unions and enterprises were listened at the meeting.

Minister Yavar Jamalov stressed his positive appreciation of works done within the report period in the subordinate unions and enterprises of the Ministry.

Minister has given special tasks to the directors of the unions and enterprises, voiced by the Republic President Ilham Aliyev for the development of the defence industry.