By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
28 Aprel, 2014 15:20 2003

Mobile Body meetings devoted to the results of the first quarter of 2014 were held in the subordinate enterprises of the Ministry of Defence Industry

Results of the production and financial-economic activities of the unions and plants and objectives standing ahead were widely discussed in the meetings held with the chairmanship of the Minister Yavar Jamalov.

It was stated that during the reported period the works on implementation of program for 2014 were continued in the subordinate enterprises and the defense products produced on contracts with power structures of the republic were handed over to the customers. Works on broadening of production of civil products were also continued.

The general production volume in the 1-st quarter of the c.y. increased 1.7 times as compared with the same period of the previous year. Manufacture of defence and special products and the total amount of implemented R&D works increased 1,7 times. The range of defence products manufactured and handed to the customers in the reported period increased 1.3 times as compared with 2013 year.

The estimated civil products output have been reached, accounting for 55% raise as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.

In compliance with the Production program for 2014 the works on implementation of R&D on 66 subjects and 169 stages at the subordinate facilities are in progress. 

During the meeting it was stated, that the products designed and manufactured at the Ministry’s facilities have been displayed at the international exhibitions since 2009. The last exhibition the Ministry joined was the 14th International Defense Services Exhibition “DSA-2014”, held from 14-17 April in KUALA-Lumpur, Malaysia. This exhibition is among the 5th world largest defence industry exhibitions.

Joining the “DSA-2014” with other 800 leading companies from 55 countries of the world the Ministry of Defence Industry showcased 132 names of defence products. At the exhibition Ministry showcased “İstiqlal”, “Mübariz” “Yalquzaq” sniper rifles, tank machine gun, assault machine-gun, universal machine gun (for the first time), “Zafar”, “Zafar-K”, “Inam” pistols, UAV, training aircraft bombs, different caliber ammunition, gas masks and other products. The showcased Ministry’s products attracted great attention.

A presentation of the International Defence Industry Exhibition “ADEX-2014” to be held in September in Baku have been carried out at the Ministry’s stand and the representatives of delegations attending the stand have been invited to join the event.  

Reports of the directors of the unions and enterprises were listened at the meetings.

Minister Yavar Jamalov stressed his positive appreciation of works done within the report period in the subordinate facilities of the Ministry.

Minister gave special tasks to the directors of the structure units, unions and enterprises to meet the challenges voiced by the Republic President Ilham Aliyev for the development of the defence industry.