By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
24 October, 2013 12:35 2103

Mobile Body meeting on the outcomes of the first 9 months of 2013 were held in the subordinate enterprises of the Ministry of Defence Industry

Opening the meeting, the Minister Yavar Jamalov said that the victory of Ilham Aliyev as a result of majority vote at the presidential elections held on Oct. 9 once again proved that the Azerbaijani people follow Heydar Aliyev"s political course and have chosen its worthy successor ensuring the country"s stability, tranquility and dynamic development. Minister congratulated Azerbaijani people and President Ilham Aliyev on this occasion.

Board members congratulated Yaver Jamalov with re-appointment a Minister of Defense Industry. Yavar Jamalov, in its turn, expressed his gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for given credit. 

The results of the production and financial-economic activities of the unions and enterprises of the ministry on the implementation of the production program and the challenges standing ahead were widely discussed at the meeting.

It was stated that in the report period in the subordinate enterprises the works on implementation of program for 2013 were continued, defense products produced on contracts with power structures of the Republic were handed over to the customers. Works on broadening of production of civil products were also continued.

In the 9 months of the c.y. the total production volume raised up as high as 2.5 times and the defence products as high as 2.8 times as compared with the same period of the last year. The forecast production volume of civil products raised up to 105 % and as compared with the last year the volume of civil products raised up to 41%. The defence and special products’ share in the total production volume is 85 % and the civilian products – 15%. The nomenclature of defence products increased to more than 750 names.

In compliance with the Production Program for 2013 year, the works on production on 70 subjects and 208 stages of R&D are in progress. The R&D on 10 subjects on the government orders are being successfully implementing at the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry.   

Moreover, the state of the art of works being carried out with regard to the "ADEX –2014" International Defense Industry exhibition to be held in 2014 year was discussed at the meeting.  It was reported that the 1-st meeting of the Organizing Committee of "ADEX-2014" with  participation of the responsible officials of the relevant government agencies was held. At the meeting, discussions were held on the issues relating to organization of the exhibition.

It was noted that the Ministry of Defense Industry this year, besides joining many international and national exhibitions since its establishment, participated in the “Azerbaijan - 10 years " exhibition on the implementation of the socio-economic development of the state programs held  from September 15 to October 17 in Baku, showcasing  defence and civil products designed and manufactured at its enterprises.  The showcased products aroused great interest.

Reports of the directors of the unions and enterprises were listened at the meeting.

Minister Yavar Jamalov stressed his positive appreciation of works done within the report period in the subordinate unions and enterprises of the Ministry and have given special tasks to the directors of the unions and enterprises, voiced by the Republic President Ilham Aliyev for the development of the defence industry.