Memory of Academician Tofig Ismayilov was commemorated
On April 12-th, on the occasion of the “International Aviation and Cosmonautics Day” collective of the National Aerospace Agency of the Ministry of Defense Industry gathered in the Alley of Honor to pay an honor visit to the grave of academician Tofig Ismayilov who was one of the founders of the Agency. They laid a wreath and bunches of flowers on the grave of academician.
Then 1-st Deputy General Director of the Agency, D. Sc (Techn.) Tofig Suleymanov talked on the professional activity of academician Tofig Ismayilov and widely briefed the event participants on efforts and works performed by him for the NAA. Then collaborators of NAA who worked with him such as: Director of the Institute of the Space Research of Natural Recourses, D. Sc (Techn.) Fakhraddin Aghayev, Director of the Institute of Ecology, D. Sc (Math&Physics) Khasmammad Asadov, Dept. Chief, D. Sc (Techn.) Mohtamam Eyniyev, Dept. Chief, D. Sc (Math&Physics) Bahram Basqalli and Dosent of the National Aviation Academy, D. Sc (Techn.) Kamal Huseynov shared their pleasant memories related with the academician.
Then 1-st Deputy General Director of the Agency, D. Sc (Techn.) Tofig Suleymanov talked on the professional activity of academician Tofig Ismayilov and widely briefed the event participants on efforts and works performed by him for the NAA. Then collaborators of NAA who worked with him such as: Director of the Institute of the Space Research of Natural Recourses, D. Sc (Techn.) Fakhraddin Aghayev, Director of the Institute of Ecology, D. Sc (Math&Physics) Khasmammad Asadov, Dept. Chief, D. Sc (Techn.) Mohtamam Eyniyev, Dept. Chief, D. Sc (Math&Physics) Bahram Basqalli and Dosent of the National Aviation Academy, D. Sc (Techn.) Kamal Huseynov shared their pleasant memories related with the academician.