By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
06 May, 2008 12:00 2528

Events devoted to the 85-th birthday anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev are still going on in the Ministry of Defence Industry

In compliance with the Plan of Actions approved by the Ministry of Defence Industry on the occasion of the 85-th birthday anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev a range of events have been carried out at the subordinate facilities of the Ministry since 20 April 2008.

A conference-seminar on subject “Heydar Aliyev has laid down the foundation of the defence industry in Azerbaijan” was held on  May 6.

The participants of the event first of all paid a visit to the bust of Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the independent state of Azerbaijan and got acquainted with the publications reflecting the glorious life and activity of this irreplaceable person.

The course of life, political activity, wide experience of a statesman and the enormous work implemented by this man for the sake of progress of our country were the subjects of talks in the event held with the participation of a number of outstanding intellectuals and NAP activists of Yasamal district.

The speakers noted that this genius person, the real saver of the nation Heydar Aliyev paid an exclusive attention to the sphere of defence industry as well as the other areas of economy of the republic since he was appointed the First Secretary of the Azerbaijan Communist Party of the Sovet Union in 1969. Thus most of the facilities functioning today under the Ministry of Defence Industry were created during Heydar Aliyev’s leadership in Azerbaijan in the years 1969-1982.Talking about the worthwhile policy Heydar Aliyev  pursued owing to his specific far-sight the event participants also noted that meeting with the Baku Aggregate Production Unit (present “Iglim” SPE) voters in 1979, he stressed the importance of creating enterprises relating to aviation industry in Azerbaijan which would play a big role in the future development of the republic.

Chairman of Yasamal district NAP organization, who joined the event as a guest shared in his speech his memories regarding Heydar Aliyev with the event participants and valued his second time return to power following the people’s demand as a great victory of Azerbaijan people.Heydar Aliyev’s return to his rule for the second time coincided with such a period when 20 percent of our territories had been occupied by the Armed Forces of our repulsive neighbor Repiblic of Armenia, more than a million of our citizens had been driven out of their old fatherland and tens of thousands of people had been killed merciless.

Heydar Aliyev who returned to power in that tough period firstly achieved cease-fire on front and did significant work for the expansion of the concentrated logistic support of the army. Foundation of the Ministry of Defence Industry on the base of State Special Engineering and Conversion Committee according to the Order of the President of the Republic   Ilham Aliyev shows that this policy is successfully being continued nowadays as well. 

The participants of the event noted very important works done in the area of defence industry as well as the other areas of the republic under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Chief Commander of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev’s leadership, who is the worthy follower of the great leader’s political course and stated that they will unite closely around him and  will unanimously vote for him in the presidential elections of 2008 to make the steps taken durable.

An article with a wide content of the Defence Industry Minister Yavar Jamalov on subject “Heydar Aliyev has laid down the foundation of defence industry in Azerbaijan” was published in the 15 April 2008 issue of the Respublika.