By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
07 February, 2011 13:00 1823

Boost of transparency was discussed in the Ministry of Defense Industry

On the 07 February 2011 obligatory issues emerging from the meeting held by the Commission on Combating Corruption following President Ilham Aliyev’s task  and chaired by Chief of Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev on 27 January were widely discussed in the Ministry of Defense Industry by the participation of managers of its structural units, unions, plants and offices.

Minister Yavar Jamalov who chaired the meeting conveyed to the attention of meeting participants the issues discussed by the Commission on Combating Corruption. Minister stated that implementation of measures intended in the Activity Plan for 2007-2011, for fulfillment of propositions of National Strategy for boosting of transparency and fighting the corruption is always under control in the Ministry of Defense Industry. Local supervision was enhanced and preventive measures were taken in the way of improvement of looking through the applications and compliant letters about the law-offensive acts for implementation of measures intended for boosting of transparency and anti-corruption struggle, identification and punishment of law-offending collaborators. Enlightenment works were constantly conducted in the Apparatus of the Ministry and also in its subordinate unions and plants about the essence of corruption, its reasons and threats it may bear, also the applications and compliant letters about the law-offensive acts related to corruption were looked through, they were investigated right away at place and measures were taken according to the relevant law enforcement.

During the wide discussions Minister Yavar Jamalov underlined the importance of paying attention to the points that could cause corruption and stated that each employee should be careful about these troubles.