By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
21 January, 2013 14:33 2007

Body meeting devoted to the results of 2012 was held in the Ministry of Defense Industry

On January 21-st a Body meeting devoted to the results of 2012 was held in the Ministry of Defense Industry by the chairmanship of Minister Yavar Jamalov.

Minister Yavar Jamalov who opened the meeting stated that 2012 was a successful year for the Republic in general. It was also stated that by the leadership of President of the Republic Ilham Aliyev versatility of our economy is developing, realization of the important governmental programmes also assists in the development process, volume of the state budget and the leaving standard increased.

Minister stated that 2012 year was memorable for Ministry of Defense Industry.

In 2012  new production areas were created and commissioned at the enterprises of the Ministry: a new Experimental-research plant for production and modernization of small arms; the new sites for production of gas masks, special protection facilities and for utilization of different caliber ammunition. 

In 2012, the volume of defence products manufactured in Azerbaijan increased to 12% in comparison to 2011 and the range of the adopted products reached 700.

In 2012 the volume of defence products supplied to the Customer increased to 10,3%.

In 2012 within the scheduled scope the works on 18 topics and 55 stages were completed. Some of the defence products have been recommended for adoption.

There has been fully assimilated and started serial production of new types of products:  MLRS, aircraft bombs, engineering blasting machines, tank tracks, collimator sights, gas masks, different types of mortars, signal pistols, armored vehicles, spare parts for artillery and small arms.

For the first time the Ministry of Defense Industry was represented at the International exhibition with 27 names of defense products, but at “IndoDefence-2012” exhibition, which was held on November 2012 it was represented with 125 names of defense products: different types of close and far combat weapons and ammunitions, optical sights, engineer technique and etc. The new products of the defence enterprises were also presented for the first time at the exhibition: UAVs, night vision devices, helmets, body armor, gas masks, transparent magazines for AKM and AK-74, etc.

In 2012 the production volume of civil products increased to 400.

The range of the adopted civil products are: various types of spare parts for application in oil-gas industry, tractor’ caterpillars, 4- & 6- layer PCB, PCB for digital DVB-T decoder, spare parts for repair of ships, thermoses, various capacity accumulators, 12 cal. barrels and semiautomatic smooth bore hunting rifles, signal light’s timer systems and interference systems for police stations.

To provide the defence industry with qualified specialists by the order of Cabinet of Ministers a faculty of “ Special Technique and Technology” (bachelor & master degree for 2012-2013) was opened at the Azerbaijan Technical University. 75 applicants on 5 types of defense professions were accepted to the university.  To increase the interest in the defense industry, new facilities for training future specialists were created at the enterprises of the ministry. 

For the development of defense products the R&D works are being conducted at the Scientific-Research Enterprises of the Ministry.

The Deputy Ministers Yahya Musayev and Tofiq Rafiyev reported on  the results of the enterprises activity during 2012 in the industrial, scientific, financial, social and international cooperation spheres. Then the directors reported on the activities of their enterprises.

At the Body meeting a group of employees of the Ministry were handed the certificates on award of title "Honoured Engineer" and “Tereggy”and "for Distinguished Public Service” medals by the order of President of Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Minister Yavar Jamalov conveyed to the meeting participants the Supreme Commander, Republic President Ilham Aliyev’s thoughts and commitments voiced  at the Cabinet’s meeting devoted to the results of the 2012 with regard to industry infrastructure development together with the social-economic development in the country and up-standing issues. In this respect special tasks were given to the directors of the unions and enterprises for the provision of the fulfillment of the tasks directed to the development of the defense industry in 2013.