By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
14 March, 2014 16:23 2156

A Meeting was held with the members of the Ministry’s team, distinguished in XVI Republic Sports Contest

A meeting was held in the Ministry of Defence Industry with the workers of enterprises and organizations of the ministry – the members of “Zenit” Sport Society who distinguished in XVI Republic Sports Contest.

Opening the ceremony, the Chairman of the Republic Trade Union Committee of workers of the Defence Industry Ministry Rofat Mufid Zada communicated congratulations of the Minister of Defence Industry Yavar Jamalov to the members of the team.

Rofat Mufid Zada informed that for the development of sport, physical training in the republic and promotion of good health of the trade union members the XVI Republic Sports Contest was organized by the joint decision, adopted in 2013 by organizations - the members of "Zenit" Sport Society.  

The teams composed of the workers of the Republic Trade Union Committee of workers of the Defence Industry Ministry took worthy places.

The team of the workers of the Ministry of Defence Industry who took part in team and single contests took the following places: backgammon and tug-of-war - 1-st place; volley-ball, chess, shooting – 3-rd place; In singles, load raise and arm – 2 persons gained the 2-nd place, 4 persons gained the 3-rd place.  

As a result the team of the Ministry of Defence Industry gained the 3-rd place in the contest and was awarded with diplomas and a Cup of the Republic Committee of “Zenit” Sport Society.

Rofat Mufid Zada also stressed that since the first days of the Ministry’s operation a great work is being done on the highest level in the organization to provide favorable environment for the personnel and thanked the Ministry’s administration on this occasion. 

At the end of the ceremony the persons distinguished in the contests received bonuses.