By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
13 December, 2010 12:00 2609

A group of employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry was awarded with medals and given honorary names following the relevant orders of the President

On December 11-th 2010, on the eve of  the professional day of Defense Industry employees President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order on awarding honorary names to the group of employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry such as “Honored Government  Employee”, “Honored Engineer”, as well as awarding medals of  “Taraqqi (Progress)” and for “Distinguished government service ”.

Akhundov Fikrat Xosrov oglu, Suleymanov Fizuli Bahman oglu were named as “Honored Government Employee”s, Ahmadov Rovshan Alakbar oglu, Aliyev Mammadsaleh Bayramali oglu as “Honored Engineer”s, Humbatova Pakiza Arshad qizi, Ibadov Adam Bahlul oglu, Mammadov Usubaga Mirzammad oglu, Nazarov Ilgar Alakbar oglu, Suleymanov Tofiq Ibrahim oglu, Shirinov Ramiz Shirin oglu were awarded with medals of “Progress”, as well as Aliyeva Minaya Agamashadi qizi and Mansurova Zuleykha Abdulsamad qizi with medals for “Distinguished government service”.