By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
14 December, 2017 15:09 3127

The Republic President Ilham Aliyev by special Orders awarded a group of employees of the Ministry of Defence Industry with honorary names and medals

On 13 December the Republic President signed an Order to award a group of employees of the Ministry of Defence Industry with honorary names “Honored Engineer” and medals “Tereggi” (Progress) and “For the distinguishing in the State Service”.

For the achievements in the development of the Defence Industry of the Azerbaijan Republic honorary names “Honored Engineer” have been awarded to: Dashdiyev Imammaddin Ashraf oglu, Ibadov Adam Bahlul oglu, Karimov Gazanfar Nurush oglu, “Tereggi” medals  have been awarded to: Adbdullayev Alaskar Khalil oglu, Babayev Amrah Madjun oglu, Babayeva Zibar Ahad gizi, Asadov Huseynaga Asadulla oglu, Asadov Hasmammad Ali oglu, Ismajilov Rafael Ibad oglu, Gasimov Mazair Farman oglu, Gadirova Naringul Mammadaga gizi, Ganiyev Taptig Yagub oğlu,  Sadigov Tofig Asiman oglu, Jusifov Shahin Isa oglu, and “For the distinguishing in the State Service” medals have been awarded to: Bagirov Eldar Hasan oglu, Karimli Shafag Khanlar gizi, Karimov Ismail Ibrahim oglu, Ganiyev Elvin Gabil oglu,  Narimanov Niyazi Nariman oglu, Shukurov Ramzi Abil oglu, Tahirov Rasim Firidunovich.