By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
19 January, 2018 15:12 2650

The Ministry of Defence Industry has held senior staff meetings to discuss the results of 2017

Results of the production & financial-economic activities of the unions and enterprises in 2017 and the objectives standing ahead have been widely discussed during the meeting held under the chairmanship of the minister Yavar Jamalov.  

Chairman of the board Yaver Jamalov spoke about the successes achieved in the republic. He noted that the far-sighted reforms implemented in recent years by President Ilham Aliyev have yielded results. The strategy of economic reforms carried out in the republic aimed at diversifying the economy had a positive impact on the development of the non-oil sector of the economy.

Minister stressed that in 2017, the Ministry of Defence Industry carried out works to implement  measures specified in the “State Program for the Development of Industry in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2015-2020 and the ”Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Heavy Industry and Machine Building in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Thus, in accordance with the Plan of Actions aimed at widening the range of the new types of defense products, the design & development works on 15 products had been accomplished at the Ministry’s facilities, and the items have been recommended for adoption. Moreover, the measures taken and application of advanced technologies allowed the production facilities to increase consumption of ferrous metal procured from the local market by 12.3%.

The initiated last year construction & renovation works at 56 production sites of the facilities of the Ministry of Defence Industry had been finished and after the completion of finishing works,  in June 2017 with the participation of the Head of State, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, two production sites were commissioned. In the near future, it is planned to open two more plants.

Minister also noted that the thoughts voiced by President Ilham Aliyev regarding the activities of the Ministry of Defence Industry during the opening ceremony of production enterprises in the city of Shirvan in June 2017: The main goal of the establishment of the Ministry of Defence Industry was to reduce dependence on imports, create new jobs and provide the Armed Forces with modern technology and armament. Todays achievements and reality testifies that we were able to achieve our goal, - is the highest appreciation of the Ministry’s activity.

In 2017 work was in progress at the facilities of the Ministry of Defence Industry to manufacture defense products. The total volume of products for defense and other special purposes has increased by 10% as compared to 2016. Serial production of sniper rifles “Yalquzaq”, different caliber mortars & hand grenade launchers, smoke screen grenade launchers for mounting on armored vehicles, smoke grenades, optical collimators KXP, HE mortar bombs and hand grenades F-1 of new generation have been launched. Moreover, after the completion of preliminary works, a serial production of various types of fuses for different caliber of ammunition and 4 types of barrels for submachine guns have been launched with application of the procured technologies.      

During the reporting period different types of defense products manufactured on contracts with the republic’s security and law-enforcement agencies have been supplied to the customers. Today the Ministry of Defence Industry besides execution of the republic’s security and law-enforcement agencies orders is exporting defense products to more than 10 countries. In 2017 total volume of the exported products raised as high as 2,3 times in comparison to 2016. 

In 2017, apart from production of defense products, the works were in progress at the facilities to widen the range of civilian products. 

During the reporting period the design & development works covering 126 topics on creation of 136 names of defense products were carried out at the Ministry’s facilities in accordance with the state order.  

In 2017 the R&D on 31 topics were carried out in the Research Institute of the Ministry, with 15 on defense products. The R&D covering 34 different spheres were carried out in the National Aerospace Agency, with 17 on defense products.    

In 2017 at 2 meetings of Sections of the functioning in the ministry Scientific-Technical Counsel, discussions were held on the specified in the plan topics and concrete decisions have been taken.   

During the reporting period the military-technical cooperation of the ministry with the enterprises and organizations of the defense-industrial complexes of the advanced countries of the world was in progress to timely achieve the set goals.

The Ministry of Defence Industry, participating on the instructions of the Head of State in the international exhibitions since 2009, has become an organizer of international defense exhibitions held in Baku in 2014 and 2016 under the name “ADEX”. The organizational works have been launched to hold the 3-rd Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition ADEX-2018 this year at a high level. The Ministry of Defence Industry showcasing for the last time 260 names of products at İDEF-2017 in the capital of Turkey - Istanbul will demonstrate new types of products at ADEX-2018 to be held in Baku in September.

Reports of the directors of the unions and enterprises were heard out at the meeting.

Minister Yavar Jamalov stressed his positive appreciation of work done within the reporting period in the subordinated unions and enterprises of the Ministry.

Minister once again reminded the meeting participants that the ministry has always been in the centre of attention of the President Ilham Aliyev and has given special tasks to the directors of the unions and enterprises voiced by the Head of State for the development of the defence industry.