By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
24 January, 2017 12:10 2285

The Ministry of Defence Industry has held senior staff meetings to discuss the results of 2016

Results of the production and financial-economic activities of the unions and enterprises and the objectives standing ahead have been widely discussed during the meeting held under the chairmanship of the Minister Yavar Jamalov.

The Chair of the meeting Yavar Jamalov noted that despite the increase of threads, risks, hazards, ongoing bloody conflicts, wars, outbreaks of new conflicts in the world and in the region in 2016 the people of Azerbaijan have been living in peace, tranquility, uniting for the common goal to further develop our country and strengthen its independence. The decrease in oil prices on the world market resulted in the three-four fold decline in revenues in our country but owing to far-sighted reforms having been carried by President Ilham Aliyev allowed to find the way out of this situation. Azerbaijan economy managed to preserve its stability, economic strength has been secured and the carried out economic reforms have opened prospects for further development of the country.  

It was also noted that in 2016 as a result of the purposeful measures carried out at the Ministry"s facilities intensive activities have been performed on development and assimilation of production of new types of defence and civilian products in accordance with the production plan.

During the reporting period work was in progress to carry out the program for the current year, defense products on contracts with the republic’s security and law-enforcement agencies were manufactured and supplied to the customer. Works on broadening of production of civilian products were also in progress.

In 2016,  86% of the total volume of products manufactured at the Ministry’s facilities was for defence and other special purposes and 14% for civilian use. As compared to 2015 the total volume of defence products raised as high as 1,8 times.

During the reporting year the UAVs, mortars, assault rifles АК-74Ðœ, universal machine guns, special sniper rifles, armored vehicles of «Matador» and «Ðœarauder» type, automatic grenade launcher systems, sights for anti-aircraft mounts, ammunition and rounds of different cal., grenades for light antitank grenade launcher, training aircraft bombs and other products have been supplied to the customer.       

By the use of the internal potential the Ministry’s facilities had fully completed design and development works on four products and 53 stages in accordance with the Production plan for 2016 and the items have been recommended for adoption. 

The R&D on 30 topics in accordance with the state order were carried out in the Research Institute of the Ministry last year. Moreover the R&D covering 33 different topics were carried out in the National Aerospace Agency in accordance with the orders of the National Army.  

At 6 meetings of Sections of the functioning in the ministry Scientific-Technical Counsel, discussions were held on specified in the plan topics and concrete decisions have been taken.

During the reporting period the military-technical cooperation of the ministry with the enterprises and organizations of the defense-industrial complexes of the advanced countries of the world was being in progress to timely achieve the set goals. Thus, in 2016 the senior officials of the ministry along with the management of its facilities established cooperation with the dedicated enterprises of more than 20 states and held negotiations on different trends of cooperation.

It was highlighted at the meeting that the organization level of the 2-nd Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition “ADEX-2016” by the Ministry of Defence Industry which has joined international exhibitions since 2009 was as high as organization of “ADEX-2014”.  

At “ADEX-2016” joined by 250 companies and delegations from 44 countries of the globe the novelties of the defence industry have been exposed in Azerbaijan national hall covering the area of 1000 sq.m.

The Ministry of Defence Industry joining the international exhibition for the first time with presentation of 27 names of defence products, joined “ADEX-2016" showcasing 260 names of products.  

Out of products exposed by the Ministry of Defence Industry at “ADEX-2016” the most interest of the exhibition participants and visitors was attracted to the mine protected armored vehicles “Ildirim” and “Gasirga”, the latest advanced types of UAVs, produced by “AZAD Systems” enterprise, new models of small arms, special reconnaissance patrol vehicle “Gurza”, fitted with antitank guided missiles, ammunition and their warheads. 

Within the frame of the exhibition negotiations have been held on different areas of military-technical cooperation along with discussions of issues relating to implementation of new projects.

During the event, a Memorandum has been signed between the Ministry of Defence Industry and the Ministry of Defence on production of new model of kamikadze “Zarba” and reconnaissance and observation drones and their handing to the Armed forces for adoption.

Reports of the directors of the unions and enterprises were heard out at the meeting.

Minister Yavar Jamalov stressed his positive appreciation of work done within the reporting period in the subordinated unions and enterprises of the Ministry.

In the end minister Yavar Jamalov reminded the meeting participants that the ministry has always been in the centre of attention of the Republic President Ilham Aliyev and has given special tasks to the directors of the unions and enterprises voiced by the Head of State for the development of the defence industry.