By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
03 May, 2017 12:25 2316

The affiliated enterprises of the Ministry of Defence Industry and the Turkish enterprises have inked MOUs

The MOUs on the joint production of defence products were inked between the Research Institute, Production Unions “Optics-Mechanics” and “Jihaz” of the Ministry and the Turkish enterprises “ASELSAN” and “TUSAŞ” during  the 13th International Defence Industry Fair “İDEF-2017” held between 9-12 May in Istanbul, Turkey, joined by the Ministry of Defence Industry (MDI).  

Within the frame of the exhibition Minister Yavar Jamalov met with the Federal Minister for Defence Production of Pakistan Rana Tanveer Hussain and heads of delegations of other countries, having attended the ministry’s booth. During the meetings discussions were held and agreements have been reached on the establishment of cooperation and development of the existing relations in the sphere of defence industry.

The Minister of National Defence of Turkey Fikri Ishik after the meeting with the Minister of Defence Industry Yavar Jamalov attended the booth of the MDI and familiarized himself in details with the showcased products. Having expressed satisfaction with the existing collaboration between the dedicated enterprises of two fraternal countries in the specific areas, Fikri Ishik emphasized the importance of continuing negotiations to identify the new spheres of cooperation.

At “İDEF-2017” fair, joined by the representatives of 300 leading companies from USA, Germany, Russia, France, England and other developed countries the showcased by the MODIAR national armored vehicle “Tufan”, sniper rifle “Vaşaq” and other products manufactured by local specialists attracted great attention.   

A new generation of products presented during the past time at the international exhibitions by the Ministry of Deference Industry, being both the participant and the organizer of such events for the familiarization with the achievements of the enterprises of defence industry of different countries in the sphere of production of weaponry, military equipment and equipment attracted great attention of the fair’s attendees. The 13th International Defence Industry Fair “İDEF-2017” being held in Istanbul has become one of such events.