By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
11 November, 2009 17:00 3826

Staff of the Ministry of Defense Industry marked their first professional holiday

Today staff of the Ministry of Defense Industry marked their first professional holiday following the Presidential Order dated November the 10-th 2009.

First of all the staff visited Alley of Honor paying tributes respectively to the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and laid a wreath in front of His Memorial. Memory of outstanding academician Zarifa Khanum Aliyeva, scientist-ophthalmologist has also been commemorated and bunches of flowers were put on Her memorial grave. Graves of heroic sons of Azerbaijan fallen in the way of independence and territorial integrity of their motherland were paid a visit in Alley of Marthyrs and a wreath was laid in front of  Memorial of  “Eternal Flame”. The Ministy’s staff also visited National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s memorial bust erected in the yard of “Radiogurashdırma” Plant where ceremonial event was held.

Exposition of products produced in the Plant was sighted.

After this official part of the ceremonial event with regard to professional holiday began in assembly hall of the “Radiogurashdirma” Plant.

State Anthem of Azerbaijan was sounded.

Giving a speech Minister Yaver Jamalov made a thorough briefing on Ministry’s activity. He noted that history of development of Defense Industry founded by our National Leader Heydar Aliyev coincides with a period when our Republic regained its state independence.

He emphasized that centralized material and technical basis of the Army was much improved due to the army construction works started after National Leader Heydar Aliyev came to power the second time pursuing People’s demand in 1993. This was achieved by significant measures taken in the sphere of army construction, attention and care directed to the Armed Forces. For the strengthening of material and technical basis of the Army that provides Republic’s defense “State Program on development of defense industry facilities of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the years 2003-2005” was confirmed by National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Reduction of dependence in military field from abroad and supply of the army with new products was being intended in this program.

Defense Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan was founded implementing state policy and regulation in the fields such as defense, radio electronics and instrument-making industry.

Talking of achievements gained in 4 years since the Ministry’s foundation and duties standing in front  Minister stated that 21 facilities were given into exploitation  after they all were fundamentally constructed and renewed. «Iglim» Research Production Enterprise, «Telemekhanika» and «Peyk» Plants in December 2007, «Alov» PLANT in june 2008,  “Radiogurashdirma” ( Radio Engineering) and “Computer (Calculating Machines)” Plants, as well as the administrative building and test-experimental production area of  Research Institute in march 2009 were given into use. Eventually volume of defense defined products has increased by more than 40 times in the year 2009 compared to the 2006.

In the time past important works were also done in the field of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries. Today the Ministry of Defense Industry closely cooperates with over 60 organizations and companies of more than 20 countries in the fields of aviation, navigation, instrument-making and etc.

As a result of accomplishment of worthy works performed in the facilities in the time past since the Ministry founded Azerbaijan this year debuted in the International Fair as an exhibitor of defense products. Azerbaijan joined in April of the current year the 9-th International Defense Exhibition Fair - IDEF-2009 held in Istanbul, Turkey as a debuting exhibitor of some 27 products developed and being produced in its facilities of the Ministry of Defense Industry. Sharp shooting sniper rifle “Istiglal”, various combat ammunition for shooting weapons, artillery shells and optic devices had attracted a huge attention of visitors coming from various countries. Nowadays negotiations are being conducted with regard to sale of above-mentioned products to a number of foreign states.

Volume of defense products developed and being produced in facilities of the Ministry of Defense Industry has increased 4 times compared to previous year, range of products reached number 350. According to the contract signed with “Paramount Group” of South African Republic joint manufacture of “Matador” and “Marauder” mine protected vehicles from armored transporter family had been started.  Also development of NATO standard fit  “Zafar”, “Zafar-K” and “Inam” modern pistols was completed and preparation works are being done for make them ready for serial production.

Minister stated in the end, that the staff of the Ministry of Defense Industry will mobilize their efforts to design and develop new type of weapons, military equipment and ammunition for army under the leadership of Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev who in his turn is guided by ideas of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

Other speakers shared their senses of joy and happiness SOURCED from establishment of “Professional holiday of the employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry”. This step was evaluated as a high REGARD of State Leader directed to the activity of  the  Ministry of Defense Industry as a whole.

Defense issues assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Lieutenant General Vahid Aliyev participated in the event and congratulated the staff of the Ministry of Defense Industry and  especially those of the Ministry employees been rewarded to the “Honored Engineer” honorary awards and “Progress” medals by President Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s corresponding orders.

During the ceremonial event a group of foremost employees of the Ministry have been introduced by the “Advanced Defense Industry employee” badges, Honorary Order, money and precious presents.

In the end an appeal on behalf of the ministry staff addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev was accepted. 
