By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
17 December, 2018 17:29 4570

Staff of the Ministry of Defense Industry Celebrated their Professional Holiday

Staff of the Ministry, observing the fifth professional holiday firstly visited Alley of Honor paying tributes respectively to the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and laid a wreath in front of His Memorial. Memory of outstanding academician Zarifa Khanum Aliyeva, scientist-ophthalmologist has also been commemorated and bunches of flowers were put on Her memorial grave. Graves of heroic sons of Azerbaijan fallen in the way of independence and territorial integrity of their motherland were also visited in the Alley of Marthyrs and a wreath was laid in front of  the Memorial of  “Eternal Flame”.

The Ministy’s staff also visited National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s memorial bust erected in the yard of “Radiogurashdırma” Plant where ceremonial event was held.

Minister Yaver Jamalov who opened the ceremony informed that the Republic President Ilham Aliyev signed Orders on 11 December 2013 on awarding a group of employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry with honorary names “Honored Engineer” and medals “Progress” and “For the distinguishing in the State Service”. With this regard the minister thanked President Ilham Aliyev on behalf of the staff. 

Yaver Jamalov also noted that the dynamic development in the socio-economic activity of the republic being observed during the last years of its independence was going on in the current year either. Seeing off the 2013, it’s necessary to note some memorable events which have occurred in the republic’s life.  

This year the 90th  anniversary of the National leader Heydar Aliyev, and the 95th anniversary of the foundation of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Republic have been observed on a state level in accordance with the relevant orders of the President of Azerbaijan İlham Aliyev. Moreover, our republic hosted several international economic, humanitarian, social, cultural and other forums and conferences.

During the presidential elections held in October our people have chosen their President Ilham Aliyev – a faithful follower of the Heydar Aliyev’s policy – the guarantor of stability, tranquility and dynamic development of the country.

Minister, on behalf of the staff, once more congratulated President Ilham Aliyev with victory at elections. 

Minister Yaver Jamalov made a wide briefing on the activity of the Ministry. He noted that from the first days of establishment of the Ministry of Defence Industry a process of huge reconstruction has been launched at its subordinated enterprises and 45 new production sites have been created. Three of the sites have been put into operation this year: a site for production of explosives for different types of ammunition, a site for production of rounds for different types of grenade launches and a site for production of artillery weapon of different types and caliber.

During the 8 years of activity a huge work have been done at the subordinated enterprises to furnish production with the high-end process equipment. To that end, the production lines, thousands of different types of machines, instruments and devices have been purchased.

Production of more than 900 names of defense products have been launched at the enterprises of the ministry.   

In 2013 volume of defense products produced increased as high as more than 35 times in comparison with  2007 and 2.8 times as high as in 2010. 

“Matador” and “Marauder” armored vehicles manufactured at the subordinated enterprises have been integrated with weapon systems furnished with 14,5 mm machine-guns. Manufactured during the c.y. 10 systems on the base of “Orbiter-2M” UAV’s after successful implementation of all tests will be handed to the customers.  

Since 2009 the defense products developed and produced in the Ministry’s facilities have been showcased at the International Defense Industry Exhibitions and attracted great interest.

Four years since foundation the Ministry of Defence Industry joined the international exhibitions, representing our republic for the first time with 27 names of defence products, and in May 2013 it joined the “IDEF-2013”XI held in Turkey with 130 names of products. The Ministry showcased close & far ranging combat weapons, ammunition, optic devices, engineering means, and other products. The 7,62x51 mm “Yalquzaq” sniper rifle, 7,62x54 mm HP-7,62 assault machine gun, “Gurza” patrol vehicle, UAV and other products have been displayed for the first time at  “IDEF-2013” Exhibition.

During the show, being joined by more that 500 companies from 36 leading countries of the world (USA, England, Germany, Italy, Russia, France, Turkey etc.), the “Yalquzaq”, “İstiqlal”, “Mübariz” sniper rifles, assault machine gun, “Gurza” patrol vehicle and various types of ammunitions attracted huge attention of visitors and delegations from other countries.

The growing attention to products showcased at the international exhibitions scales up the number of countries and companies wishing to cooperate with the Ministry. 

Today the Ministry of Defence Industry closely cooperates with 60 companies from the leading countries in the area of aviation, navigation, instrument engineering, etc.

In September 2014 Azerbaijan will for the first time host the International Defence Industry Exhibition to be held under the logo “ADEX-2014”. For the event to be carried out at a high level the corresponding measures are being taken at the Ministry’s facilities.

In 2013 the number of completed R&D increased as high as 3,5 times and the number of stages increased as high as 1,7 times as compared to 2007. 

In 2013 the manufacture of 107 mm (12-tube) MRLS (Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems), transparent chargers, 120 mm mortar shells and other products was fully completed and  products have been recommended for serial production and adoption. Moreover, the upgraded ordered number of BRDM-2 and BTR-70 armored vehicles have been tested and handed to power structures. The pilot samples of aircraft bombs have been manufactured and works are in progress for their testing and launching serial production.

The corresponding measures are being carried out at the Ministry’s enterprises to widen the sites for production of defence products and launching production of civil products of new types. In 2013 the volume of civil products increased more than 2 times as compared to 2007. The nomenclature of the manufactures products exceeded 450 names.

The Ministry’s facilities have launched manufacture of the following civil products: different types of automated IMS (Information Measuring Systems), component parts, control devices for deep-well pumps (“Dinomograf DM”) for oil & gas industry, tractors’ caterpillars, 4- and 6 layer PCB’s, TV decoders of DVD-T type, spare parts for ship maintenance, thermoses for mobile kitchens, plastic containers, various power accumulator batteries, 12 cal. double-barreled and semi-automatic smooth barrel hunting rifles, timers, telescopic fence systems for police stations, etc.

Since 2010 the civil products of the Ministry has been showcased at different international and national exhibitions. This year the Ministry of Defense Industry joined the “Azerbaijan - 10 years exhibition on the implementation of the socio-economic development of the state programs held from September 15 to October 17 in Baku, showcasing defence and civil products designed and manufactured at its enterprises. The demonstrated products aroused great interest.

Minister noted, that the progress made by the Ministry of Defence Industry results from the  complex measures carried out by the Republic President during the reconstruction of the industrial  infrastructure in the country.

The other speakers shared a deep feeling of joy on the occasion of celebration of their professional holiday on such a high level and noted that the staff of the Ministry of Defence Industry, experiencing unceasing attention and care on the part of the Head of State, under the leadership of the Republic President, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev – a faithful follower of the policy and ideas of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev will mobilize all powers for the development of the defence industry to furnish the National Army with new types of weapon, military equipment and ammunition.

During the ceremonial event the staff congratulated a group of Ministry’s employees awarded with honorary names and medals by the corresponding Orders of the Republic President Ilham Aliyev. The Ministry has also awarded the distinguished employees with the “Advanced Defense Industry Employee” badges, Honorary Orders, gratuity, precious presents and Honorary Orders of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation.

In the end an appeal addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev on behalf of the Ministry’s staff has been accepted. 
