By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
06 November, 2018 12:45 3984

Serial production of assault machine gun HP-7,62 has been launched

169-1.JPG A serial production of the assault machine gun HP-7,62 cal. 7,62x54 mm, developed and produced at the facility of the Ministry of Defence Industry has been launched.  

Tests of the assault machine gun, which had been produced by local specialists and attracted great attention of the participants and visitors of the 3rd International Defence Exhibition “ADEX-2018”, held in September this year in Azerbaijan, have been successfully completed.

The assault HP-7,62 submachine gun is designed to destroy enemy manpower and firing points at a short distance. The assault machine gun HP-7,62 can be fired from various types of mounts: bipods, tripods, armored carrier mounts. The design of the machine gun includes a ribbed barrel, covered with a jacket, that provides barrel cooling, a bipod of new type, a telescopic butt stock, fitted with a cheek piece, a butt plate and a butt handle, as well as a pistol grip. On the “Picatinni” rails (NATO standard MIL-STD-1913), fixed on the receiver cover, below and on the both sides of the pistol grip, it is possible to mount various types of optical & collimator sights, tactical flashlights, that increase the weapon’s capabilities, an extra pistol grip, laser designators and other special devices. In firing mode the cartridges are fed into receiver from the 100, 200 or 250 round link metal belt, held in metal box. Cartridge belts are placed in cartridge boxes of different capacity. The machine gun is chambered for 7,62x54 mm cartridges with ordinary (LPS), tracer (T-46M), armor-piercing incendiary (B-32) and Panzer (PZ) bullets and blank rifle cartridges. The effective firing range of the assault machine gun HP-7,62 is 1000 m, rate of fire – 650-750 rounds/min, practical rate - 250 rounds/min, the length is 1080 mm, mass - 8,6 kg .

Operating temperature range of the assault HP-7,62 submachine gun is  ±50ºC.