By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
24 June, 2018 14:26 2725

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has signed an obituary in connection with the death of Defence Industry Minister Yavar Jamalov

The Azerbaijani public has suffered a heavy loss. On June 23, 2018 the Minister of Defence Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan Yavar Talib oglu Jamalov passed away at the age of nearly 69. 

Yavar Jamalov was born on October 17, 1949 in Sabirabad region. After graduating from a secondary school during 1967-1972 he studied at the Oilfield Faculty of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil & Chemistry which he graduated with a degree in technology and complex mechanization of the oil and gas deposits development.

Having started working activity in 1972 as an operator in “Siyazanneft” Oil and Gas Production Department, in 1973-1995 Yavar Jamalov worked as an engineer, a senior oil and gas engineer, a shift supervisor, a deputy chief and a chief technical officer in the Oil and Gas Production Department of “Shirvanneft”. In 1995-2003 he worked as a General Director of Production Association "Onshore Oil and Gas Production” of SOCAR, and in 2003-2006 as a General Director of the Production Association "Azneft". Since 2006, till his dying day Yavar Jamalov took up a post as Minister of Defenсe Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Regardless of the positions held, Yaver Jamalov has always demonstrated efficiency, professionalism and organizational abilities in all spheres of his activity. Due to his strong sense of duty, abilities to set high standards  and loyalty to the principles of statehood, he gained great respect. Over the years, he contributed to the progress of the country"s economy, applying knowledge and skills and sparing no effort for the development of the oil industry of Azerbaijan.

Yavar Jamalov had great merits in the successful implementation of the unified state policy in the sphere of defense industry of Azerbaijan Republic. During his tenure as minister, along with the creation of numerous new production sites at the ministry’s enterprises, as a result of the fruitful activity of the modern structure, the range of the country"s military products was increased and its quality improved. Great strides were made toward eliminating the dependence of the defense industry on imports and the relevant measures have been taken to provide the Azerbaijani army with modern weapons.

The achievements of Yavar Jamalov in the country"s economic development have always been highly appreciated. He was awarded the honorary title "Honored Engineer" and one of the highest state awards of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan - "Shohrat" Order.

The memory of a well-known public figure, skilful organizer and sincere person Yavar Jamalov is embalmed in the hearts of those who knew him.


Allah Rahmet elesin!  (Rest in Peace !)


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