By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
26 September, 2018 12:57 2829

On September 26, the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Novruz Mammadov while touring the 3rd International Defence Exhibition “ADEX-2018” held at Baku EXPO Center attended the booth of the Ministry of Defence Industry.

On September 26, the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Novruz Mammadov while touring the 3rd International Defence Exhibition “ADEX-2018” held at Baku EXPO Center attended the booth of the Ministry of Defence Industry.

The Deputy Minister of Defence Industry Yahya Musayev, informed the Prime Minister in detail about the “ADEX-2018” exhibition and the products displayed by the Ministry of Defence Industry. It was reported that 224 companies and official delegations from 29 countries took part in “ADEX-2018” exhibition. As compared to previous years, some companies participating in the exhibition have increased their national exhibition floor. According to the number of companies represented at the exhibition, the top four include Turkey (41), Russia (25), Israel (14) and Belarus (10). The geography of exhibitors has expanded due to participation of Estonia, India and Kazakhstan. With regard to enterprises, organizations and visitors of the exhibition it covers 44 countries.

It was noted that the Ministry of Defence Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan, its Production Associations and plants, as well as the Azerbaijan National Agency for the Clearance of Territories (ANAMA) are active participants of the exhibition.

In the pavilion of the Ministry of Defence Industry, the latest weapons and military equipment developed and manufactured at the enterprises of the Ministry are being demonstrated. Here, exhibitors and visitors can familiarize themselves in detail with the novelties of the defence industry of Azerbaijan and its developing potential.

The Prime Minister has familiarized himself with the products of the Ministry of Defence Industry displayed at the exhibition.