By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
31 July, 2017 15:11 2465

Ministry of Defence Industry has held senior staff meetings to discuss the results of the first half of 2017

Results of the production and financial-economic activities of the unions and enterprises and the objectives standing ahead have been widely discussed during the meeting held under the chairmanship of the Minister Yavar Jamalov.

The Chair of the meeting Yavar Jamalov noted that owing to implementation of the far-sighted policy under the leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev and the comprehensive reforms great achievements have been reached in all areas of economy. He also noted that the pursued during the past years strategy of economic reforms directed towards  diversification of the country’s economy had positive impact on the development of the non-oil area of economy as well. One of such areas is the defence industry where as a result of the carried out reforms, the advanced production experience gained during the past years and the figures obtained, much progress has been achieved during the short time which today could constitute one of the examples.   

Minister Yavar Jamalov communicated the audience valuable thoughts voiced by the President Ilham Aliyev in relation to the establishment and activity of the ministry during his participation in the inauguration ceremony of two new plants of the Ministry of Defence Industry in Shirvan city in June this year on the eve the Armed Forces day:  «The main objective of the establishment of the Ministry of Defence Industry was to reduce dependence on import, to create new work places and procurement of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces with modern armament & military equipment. Today’s achievements and reality indicate that we could reach our goal». He also noted, that the valuable words, voiced by the Head of State in relation to the development of this sphere and the achievements is the evidence of the highest appraisal.

Minister noted that during the reporting period the volume of defense products produced at the ministry’s facilities and handed over to the Ministry of Defense and other security & law enforcement agencies   showed 1.3 times increase in comparison to the same period of the previous year. During the first half of the year the total production volume of products showed 33,8 percent increase in relation to the corresponding period of the last year. The number of the assimilated types of defence products reached 1200.  

During the reporting period the ministry’s facilities have successfully completed works on creation of the national mine protected armored vehicle “Tufan” and carried out its presentation with participation of experts. Today preparation works are being carried out for its serial production. Moreover, the ministry’s facilities have fully completed preparation works on manufacture of two products: a sniper rifle «Yalquzaq» and a practice hand grenade F-1 and organized their serial production. By the end of the year it is planned to render for adoption a special light machine gun, an automatic grenade launcher system, a hand grenade launcher, submachine guns, artillery rounds of different types, grenades VOQ-25P for under-barrel grenade launcher, fuses for artillery    shells and other products.

During the first half of the year 92 percent of the total volume of products manufactured at the Ministry’s facilities was for defence and other special purposes and 8 percent for civilian use.

On the instructions of the President of the Republic aimed at import substitution for local production on the customer’s request a production site has been created at the ministry’s facility for production of well water pumps of "Dalma" type, with the production capacity of 3000 pcs/y. and their production and handing over to the customer has been started.

One of the priority issues facing the ministry in the reporting period was continuation and establishment of new ties with the enterprises and companies affiliated to the military-industrial complex of the developed countries of the globe. As a result of negotiations being conducted in this direction today, products developed and produced by the Ministry’s facilities are being showcased at the international defense exhibitions. One such of the exhibition was 13th International Defence Industry Fair «İDEF-2017» which was held in Turkey this May. The Ministry of Defence Industry was presented at this exhibition with 260 types of defense and special products.

Comprehensive activities directed towards the expansion of the country’s export potential and import substitution are also being carried out at the Ministry. Today the Ministry is exporting the following special products developed and produced by its facilities: ammunition, modern small & artillery arms, UAV, armored vehicles etc. Defense products made in Azerbaijan are now being exported to more than 10 countries.

Defence R&D are being successfully carried out on the basis of the research potential of the ministry’s institutions.

In 2017 in the Research Institute of the Ministry the R&D are being successfully carried out on 31 topics in accordance with the program. Moreover, in the National Aerospace Agency the R&D are in progress on 34 topics which are to be completed by the end of the year.

To staff the affiliates of the Ministry of Defence Industry with qualified personnel 54 students which graduated the faculty of Special Engineering & Technology of the Azerbaijan Technical University this year got a job at the ministry’s facilities. 

Reports of the directors of the unions and enterprises were heard out at the meeting.

Minister stressed his positive appreciation of work done within the reporting period in the subordinated unions and enterprises of the Ministry.

In the end minister Yavar Jamalov once again reminded the meeting participants that the ministry has always been in the centre of attention of the President Ilham Aliyev and has given special tasks to the directors of the unions and enterprises voiced by the Head of State for the development of the defence industry.