By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
20 February, 2019 14:27 2806

Military attaches have visited facilities of the Ministry of Defence Industry

On February 20, military attaches of foreign countries accredited to Azerbaijan paid visit to the facilities of the Ministry of Defense Industry.

They visited Research Production Enterprise “Iglim” and “Computer” plant of the Ministry of Defense Industry and have closely familiarized with the both facilities and production process.

Visiting “Computer” plant, military attaches have been informed on the activities of the facility in detail.

At “Computer” plant, they have familiarized with the exhibition of defence products, manufactured at the enterprises of the Ministry of Defence Industry and they showed a great interest in every product. They also observed the manufacturing process of the defense products intended for export.

Then, military attaches visited Research Production Enterprise “Iglim”, having high production capacity and wide range of defense products.The guests were provided with detailed information on small arms that had been launched and serial production already carried out. It was noted that small arms produced at the facility are demonstrated at the international exhibitions and exported.

32 representatives of 21 countries took part in the inspection tour. 

At the end, the guests expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense Industry for creating favorable conditions in order to get acquainted with the enterprises of the defense complex.

This visit has reoccurring feature and is carried out with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that such kind of events play a special role in the development of military-technical cooperation and export expansion of Azerbaijan defense products.

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