By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
13 September, 2018 15:00 2857

Distribution of Special Technique and Technology Faculty graduates has been carried out

To assign jobs to graduates of the Faculty of Special Technique and Technology, opened at the Azerbaijan Technical University (AZTU) on the initiative of the Ministry of Defence Industry (MDI) for training of special engineering & technical personnel for the Ministry’s enterprises, a regular meeting of the joint commission, established between the two organizations has been held.  Along with the members of the commission, the high level personnel of enterprises of the Ministry of Defence Industry took part in the meeting.

The distribution of the year 2018 graduates of the Faculty of Special Technique and Technology has been carried out at the commission meeting. Taking into account wish and achievement of the best results in studies, 44 graduates were selected for assignment to the facilities of the Ministry of Defence Industry. Among these graduates, were young people who had fulfilled their military service.  In the course of selection, on the mutual consent, students studying at the master"s level of the Faculty of Special Technique & Technology, have been assigned to the Research Production Enterprise "IGLIM" of the Ministry of Defense Industry.

It was noted that 117 graduates of the Faculty of Special Technique and Technology, founded in 2011 on the initiative of the Ministry of Defenсe Industry, who graduated last year, were provided with jobs at the enterprises of the Ministry of Defence Industry, and now they continue their activities as highly qualified specialists.

The acting rector of AzTU professor Khalyg Yakhudov noted at the meeting, that since the establishment of the Faculty of Special Technique and Technology the  special educational facilities, fitted with all necessary equipment have been set up for the students by the  Ministry of Defence Industry at its  enterprises. Along with creating the necessary conditions for in-depth study by students of the chosen specialty and detailed acquaintance with the production process, the ministry awards special scholarships to the distinguished students.

Khalyg Yakhudov expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Defence Industry for the care and attention extended to the students and young professionals involved in the field.