By the Ministry of Defence Industry the process of production of defence products is successfully performed in Azerbaijan and we managed to gain big achievements in this sphere as well
Ilham Aliyev
12 December, 2012 16:00 2564

A group of employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry have been awarded by the President Ilham Aliyev

On December the 11-th 2012, on the eve of the professional holiday of the employees of the Ministry of Defense Industry President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order about rewarding a Group of employees of the Ministry with the "Honoured Engineer" title and “Tereggy”(“Progress”) and "for Distinguished Public Service" medals.

For the contribution to the development of the Republic’s Defense Industry the employees of the Ministry: Kamran Babayev Bakhtiyar, Huseynaliyev Gafar Bayramali, Karimov Mehman Sohrab, Mehdiyev Rahman Isfandiyar, were awarded with the "Honoured Engineer" titles, Musayev Yahya Musa, Abbasov Sabir Ali, Abdullayev Novruz Almammad , Agayev Fakhraddin Gulali, Ahmadov Ramiz Gazmammad, Aliyev Chingiz Pasha, Aliyev Yusif  Ami, Alvanov Shahbala Shahnamaz, Hagverdi Mahammad Islam, Kalbiyev Rovshan Zeynal, Mammadov Sadraddin Abbas were awarded with “Tereggy” ("Progress") medal, Zeynalov Vagif Aziz, Hashimova Amina Allahyar,Vezirov Farrukh Azad, Zeynalov Huseyn Allahverdi were awarded with "for Distinguished Public Service" medal.